harvestR 1.1.0

General features

  • Added messaging to get_table() to address verbose output issue.
  • The strategy, auto_retry, and verbose parameters are deprecated and replaced by plan_options, times, and quiet, respectively.
  • Added credential management workflow, special thanks to joethorley for suggesting the idea - sorry for the long wait!


The get_table() function had a verbose parameter was passed to httr::verbose(). Implementing parallel requests in get_table() broke the verbose output. The future package has a known limitation with messaging across parallel threads. We expect many users will want to take advantage of parallel requests so we added custom messaging inside the get_table() which provides information for logging. The messaging can be turned on by setting quiet = FALSE in the get_table() call. To divert output to a log file you can wrap calls with logging functions.

Parameter changes

  • The verbose parameter is deprecated because it does not work on parallel threads (refer to Messaging above for more details). The quiet parameter is the suggested replacement. Verbose will still be passed to httr::config(), but a warning will be issued for the time being to make sure users are aware of the behavior changes.
  • The strategy parameter is deprecated in favor of plan_options. The strategy parameter was passed to future::plan(), but did not allow users to modify any other parameters inside future::plan(). The new plan_options parameter allows users to pass any parameters into future::plan() in a named list.
  • The auto_retry parameter is deprecated because it was used to retry get requests that failed in custom logic. We moved to the httr::RETRY() function in order to simplify. The times parameter is the suggested replacement.
  • Additional arguments in … were specifically forwarded to httr functions, but only a few were supported. get_table() now forwards listed arguments to httr::RETRY and attempts to forward all other arguments to httr::config() including token (for oath requests).

Credential Management

Joe Thorley made the suggestion of adding credential management functions to make fetching keys easier within the library. We added a few functions that are intended to provide a credential management workflow for harvestR. They enable interactive users to securely save credentials on their system using the keyring package. Scheduled jobs can still take advantage of the system with system environment variables. Refer to the harvestR package readme for more info or refer to the create_harvest_creds() function to get started.

harvestR 1.0.0

General features

  • get_table() gains new arguments to allow auto retries, parallel get requests, and more verbose messaging.

Executing get_table requests in parallel

  • The strategy parameter is passed to future::plan() which sets a plan for how future executions are resolved. The parameter does not provide full access to all future::plan() parameters and functionality because the current use cases do not call for it.

Automatic retries

  • The auto_retry parameter will automatically retry get requests that fail (i.e. non-200 responses) up to 3 times. It does not have intelligence only perform retries depending on the response code. It is primarily useful if the user is running batches over a poor internet connection.